
My recommended book: Planet of the People

Journalist D. Tserenjav is the next guest of “Books I Recommend Series”.

– What book are you reading now?
– I’m going to finish one book and start another. Both have the same author. “Mongolian People and Cultural Revolution” by Ogonuus Tsogtu. This is a history book showing Inner Mongolia during the Chinese Cultural Revolution in the 1960s and 70s. Tsogtu now lives in Japan, but he was in Inner Mongolia during the Cultural Revolution, so he wrote about what he saw.

The next book is also called “Japanese sword turned in Tibet”. I am mostly interested in history and technology books. I almost stopped reading other books.

– Do you read many books at the same time?
– To be honest, I don’t read much. Because I have glasses, people think I’m a guy who reads a lot. Then they ask, “What is your desk book?” But I read more about books than books. What books have become bestsellers, which author is being read the most, what is the content of that book, who gave what kind of review, etc. After knowing about the book in this way, you choose to pick it up and read it.

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